Matthew Guillén

Full-Stack Engineer

Software engineer specialized in front-end and full-stack development with over three years of experience in web applications. Passionate about intuitive interfaces and robust security practices. Before programming, I used to design a lot in Figma, so I have the perfect pixel eye for the interface. Let's chat.


Full-Stack Engineer at Golabs

Increased ROI by 10x with new features in an influencer app. Implemented a billing API for electric vehicles in Costa Rica. Improved product search with UI/UX for a farming company in the USA. Reduced vulnerabilities by 96% in a client/server app. Integrated a reward redemption web app for Golabs.


Full-Stack Engineer as a Freelance

Designed, developed, and maintained the Cavernas Del Venado website, increasing visitors by 380% and sales by 40% in 3 months. Improved SEO by 200% in 5 months for Bungalows Las Iguanas. Boosted sales by 30% in 2 months for Cabañas del Norte through website design and development, and developed several other websites.


Hoosling Startup Co-Founder

Developed a cryptocurrency fundraising platform, achieving monthly recurring revenue of $4,000 for 2 months and obtaining 2 venture capital investment proposals.

Team ColaborationClient SpectativeUser ResearchUI/UX
View Full Resume


QA and front-end testing for a personal care app iOS


Co-Founder of a Cryptocurrency fundraising platform

Harvest To Market

Search Engine Front-End Flow for a Farmers and Markets App


Web app Design for an education Startup


Donation of a website for the web3 Costa Rica community

World Plaza Mall, Ecuador

Design of Mall Ecommerce in Ecuador

Arenal Transfer

Design, development and maintenance of Transfer Website

Cabañas del Norte

Design, development and maintenance of Hotel Website

Cavernas del Venado

Design, development and maintenance of Tours Website

Bungalows Las Iguanas

Design, development and maintenance of Hotel Website

Design Protypes

4 minutes

¿Levantar inversión con criptomonedas, futurista o una estupidez?

3 minutes

Como un niño de 16 años crea una app para suprimir la depresión de los profesores

Blogs in Medium

Website rigorously designed in figma, developed in Next.js using React.js and published in Vercel.