Matthew Guillén

Frontend Engineer & Product Developer

I build pixel-perfect digital experiences, startups apps for sick founders, and tools for leading companies. Let's chat.


Projects where I led

Top Designer in Figma

Over 30k open source downloads speak for me on Figma

Index Fun

One of the top 10 most revolutionary web3 project in Asia according to Crypyo Banter magazine, leading the frontend app and design


At 16, I built Hoosling—a crypto fundraiser that got $60-80K in proposals and caught the eye of Open English’s VP (my mentor). It failed, but I learned tons.

Gesmia - iOS Security App

Family app: share your location with friends & family, report incidents, and view maps of safe & dangerous areas.

My experience since I was 16 years old

Designer & Product Developer at Holdex

Designed, developed, and reviewed code as part of a high-performance web3 team for Index.Fun, Truflation, Clearpool Protocol and Ozean


Frontend Developer at Nitel

Developed internal tools using Angular and SCSS. Integrated Salesforce for process automation and real-time reporting.


Designer & Mobile Engineer at Gesmia

Led the App design and developed an iOS/Android integrating an API built in C# for realtime information provided by the Backend team.

React NativeZustandStorybookFigmaWeb Sockets

Frontend Developer & Full-Stack at Golabs Tech

Development of more than 5 projects, including a web app for influencers used by L'Oréal Paris, a .NET API for electric chargers and a coin exchange features for mobile and web app.


Figma Design Community Contributor

Achieved +30,000 Figma Interfaces Downloads Milestone through open-source contributions.

FigmaFramer MotionThree JSBlender 3D

Co-Founder at Hoosling & Front-End Engineer

Developed a crowdfunding platform with React and PHP, achieving $2K MRR, handling UI/UX, frontend development, and usability testing with Hotjar and Figma.


Web3 Costa Rica Site

Designed and developed the community website for Web3 Costa Rica at my 17 years old.



Working through freelance projects at 16 years old, including Cavernas Del Venado Expedition, an Shopping center in Quito, Ecuador and some hotels in Costa Rica

View Full Resume

4 minutes

¿Levantar inversión con criptomonedas, futurista o una estupidez?

3 minutes

¿Cómo un niño de 16 años crea una app para suprimir la depresión de los profesores?